The Dutch Web Alliance has posted the seventh part of their series looking at getting remote debugging and unit testing working with PHPStorm, a popular PHP IDE. You can start at the beginning or just find the links to any other articles in the series you might have missed in the first post.
So, your unit-tests should be small, not doing much, taking one unit at a time to test. Overall, not much is around to actually debug. But on occasion, having the ability to actually stepping through the unit-tests can save you a headache or two! Debugging your PHPUnit scripts isn't really that hard. In fact, most of what we need to do, we already covered in the previous postings! Consider this: PHPUnit is nothing more than a PHP framework running from the command line interface. And since we already know how to debug applications from the CLI, it must be easy!
This is the last post in the series and is pretty short. It basically talks about setting breakpoints in testing and letting PHPStorm catch the issues. If you'd rather run them from the command line, check out part six for more details.