On NetTuts.com today they've posted a new tutorial showing you how to combine two powerful (and popular) technologies to make a customer management application - Laravel and AngularJs. This is the first part of a series and focuses on the backend work in Laravel.
When creating a single-page app we should use some kind of framework to do some of the job for us, so we can focus on the actual functionality. AngularJS fits here perfectly, because features like dynamic dependency injection and bi-directional data binding are just great. Sometimes we also require some kind of server. If you've chosen PHP then Laravel may be your best option, as it's easy to work with and pretty powerful.
They assume that you'll already have an instance of Laravel all set up and that you'll have access to a MySQL server for a database. Other than that, they provide all of the code you'll need to get the server side up and running. The application stories simple data about customers and transactions and walks you through making models and controllers for each.
Link: http://net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/php/building-a-customer-management-app-using-angularjs-and-laravel/