Hasin Hayder has a quick post talking about the creation of personalized phar files (packaged up PHP applications) using the Box Project tool.
Created a screencast to show how you can create phar files, most importantly personalized phar files to store some information inside it and protect it using user's password. Those information is usable only when user providers a correct password. For packaging, I have used http://box-project.org which is an excellent phar packager. I've also used two functions from Josh Hartman's blog to encrypt and decrypt data using Rijndael algorithm.
You can watch the full screencast over on YouTube. It walks you through the entire process of creating a simple script, using the two functions (mc_encrypt and mc_decrypt) to handle the encryption and defining the Box configuration JSON to create the package.
Link: http://hasin.me/2014/01/14/create-personalized-phar-files-in-php