
Michelangelo van Dam: PHPBenelux Conference 2014 Review

If you weren't able to make it to this year's PHPBenelux conference in Belgium, Michelangelo van Dam has posted the next best thing. In his latest post he shares some of his own experiences with this "epic event".

Past weekend was the 5th anniversary of PHPBenelux Conference and people have known it! With close to 50 speakers, 400 attendees and a massive number of sponsors made this conference a true "epic" event. Not because of the numbers, but because of the social events after each conference day. The theme of the conference was "Carnaval" and like you would expect from any big fair, there were arcade games, money slots and even a huge bumper car stand.

He talks about some of the pre-conference activities (like the speaker's dinner and tutorial session) and then each of the two conference days in turn. He also talks about some of the social activities they had this year including bumper cars.

This event goes in the history books as "epic", "awesome" and "painful" (due to bumper cars). Yes, we've raised the bar for ourselves and it will be challenging to give you all a similar experience next year without repeating what we did this year. Knowing our team, we will come up with something crazy. Follow @PHPBenelux and keep an eye out for our announcements.

Link: http://www.dragonbe.com/2014/02/phpbenelux-conference-2014-review.html

