
Master Zend Framework: HowTo Use Child and Segment Routes to Build Simple Routing Tables

Matthew Setter has a new post to his Master Zend Framework site today showing you how to use child and segment routes to create a routing table in your Zend Framework v2 application. These routes are "sub-routes" underneath a main route defined in the main router configuration.

Routing is one of the key requirements in modern applications, especially in Zend Framework 2; but they shouldn't be overly-complicated. Today, we're going to look at how to build a routing table, simply and easily using child and segment routes. [...] But how would we do that? Gladly, it's quite simply, using a combination of [the] two route types: Segment and Child Routes. I've made a complete example, which's available in this Gist. Feel free to skip straight to that. But otherwise, let's step through the annotated version together.

He sets the stage with an example in a "writing pipeline" application that helps him predict his income from his freelance writing. He describes the main controllers and the routing configurations they might share. In his example code, he shows how to define the routes and modify them to use segments and child routes to handle constraints. There's also a section about extracting out the segments from the route.

Link: http://www.masterzendframework.com/tutorial/child-and-segment-routes

