
PHP.net: PHP 5.5.11 is released

PHP.net has announced the latest release in the PHP 5.5.x series today - PHP 5.5.11.

The PHP development team announces the immediate availability of PHP 5.5.11. Several bugs were fixed in this release, some bundled libraries updated and a security issue has been fixed : CVE-2013-7345. We recommend all PHP 5.5 users to upgrade to this version.

Fixes in this release include:

  • Updates to core
  • Fixes in the cURL extension
  • Bugs corrected in the GD extension
  • A fix for the CVE-2013-7345 security issue in Fileinfo

You can download this latest release directly from the downloads page (Windows users here and you can find the full list of changes in the Changelog.

Link: http://www.php.net/archive/2014.php#id2014-04-02-1

