In his latest post Adam Culp discusses something that developers are all to aware of, whether they will admit it openly or not, is a feeling of anxiety around problems they have, both personal and work/development related.
Yesterday I was approached by a developer, apprentice, friend, and sometimes mentor, who was having some personal issues. I consider this person to be very strong, and capable of great things. [...] During the conversation it was revealed how they're experiencing HUGE anxiety, complete with panic attacks, and are even consulting a physician who prescribed medication for it. [...It's a] common misconception is that anxiety is caused by the stress of the moment, which is simply not true. [...] For each of us the cause is slightly different, because we each struggle with our own problems and OCDs.
Adam shares some of the common stressors developers can feel around their work and life including not being "busy enough" at work, wanting to contribute but not knowing where to start and loud or open work spaces. He includes a few bits of advice on these things, some from his own experience including how to say "no" to deadlines, talking and sharing with others and doing some kind physical activity. Be sure to check out the comments for thoughts and ideas from other members of the community too.