If you're a Codeception user, you'll find Matthew Turland's latest post interesting. In it he shares a way to customize database cleanup between the tests. Codeception handles it a bit differently that how PHPUnit's Db module does.
Recently, I was looking into ways to speed up the runtime of the test suite at Blopboard. We use the Codeception framework to write functional tests for our REST API, part of which entails putting the database into a known state using Codeception's Db module. The behavior of this module is similar to that of the PHPUnit Database extension with one exception: where PHPUnit only truncates tables and leaves their schemas intact, Codeception removes the database structure and expects the SQL dump it uses to recreate it between tests. I must admit to not understanding this design decision of Codeception, nor attempts to clarify it.
He admits that his solution is "a bit hacky" but it does work to truncate the table rather than drop the entire schema and wait for a rebuild. His "DbHelper" class is used in place of the Db module. He traced through the execution path of the Db module and found a "hook" where he could override the "cleanup" method to prevent the schema drop and replace it with a truncate. He also includes code for a suggested addition to Codception that would handle the same thing in a more integrated way.
Link: http://matthewturland.com/2014/05/09/customizing-codeception-database-cleanup