Stefan Koopmanschap has a recommendation for all of the developers (really, anyone) out there about their work habits - want to be more productive? Work less.
There are many people (myself included for a long time) that will work more and more when they have more stress. Whether it's a deadline or simply too much work on your hands, you just start working longer, open your laptop when at home just to finish that one feature, skip lunch or ignore your RSI-breaks. While this may sometimes work, in the long run, this will only make you less productive.
He talks about a few things that can come with "more work" that can make you less productive in the long run. He includes a few recommendations to help "take back that productivity" including:
- Take breaks
- Take regular days off
- Holidays are good
- Don't always work from the office
- Do "fun" work
He also points out that a lot of your level of productivity revolves around stress and how even just changing small things like where you're working from can make a real difference.