
Community News: Latest PECL Releases for 07.22.2014

Latest PECL Releases:
  • qb 2.4.0
    Added option to emit errors as exceptions
    Fixed issue #36 - Incorrect cast to int
    Fixed issue #39 - Incompatibility with namespace usage
    Fixed issue #40 - Incompatibility with namespace usage
    Fixed issue #42 - Inability to append to array
    Fixed issue #43 - Segfault when opcache is used
    Fixed issue #46 - Incorrect array size when initialized with empty array
    Fixed issue #48 - Memory-mapped file don't get released on function exit
    Fixed issue #49 - Multiple static arrays cause failure to compile to native code
    Fixed issue #50 - Cannot pass GD image as int8[][4]
    Fixed issue $51 - Multithreading fails when pcntl_fork() is used

  • swoole 1.7.4
    - Task process support timer
    - Repair UDP error BUG
    - Add SSL-server support
    - Reload is effective for task_worker.
    - When the pipe is filled with poll is waiting for the write, rather than packet loss
    - Increase the clang compiler support
    - Repair shutdown task_worker and manager abnormal stop

