- dlin/array-converter-bundle (v0.2)
A Symfony2 Bundle supporting Object/Array conversion using annotation - cornernote/yii-return-url (1.0.2)
Maintain the state of Return Urls across multiple tabs. - rollbar/rollbar (v0.9.6)
Monitors errors and exceptions and reports them to Rollbar - zzantares/proxmoxve (v2.1.0)
A simple PHP 5.3+ Proxmox API client. - heroku/heroku-buildpack-php (v23, v22)
Toolkit for starting a PHP application locally, with or without foreman, using the same config for PHP/HHVM and Apache2/Nginx as on Heroku - glukash/glu-image (0.0.5, 0.0.4, 0.0.2, 0.0.1)
- smoke/zf2-cache-storage-redis-array (v1.0.2, v1.0.1, v1.0.0)
RedisArray Cache Storage for Zend Framework 2 - xplore/xtools-db (0.4.0)
xTools framework database wrapper. - karwana/messageformat (1.1.0, 1.0.0)
- watson/validating (0.9.3)
Eloquent model validating trait. - buonzz/youthere (v1.0.0)
A Class Library to Check if files is present in another server - 99designs/ergo (v2.7.0)
Micro-framework for routing and request/response handling in PHP 5.3 - spomky-labs/oauth2-server-x509-client (v1.0.0)
X509 Client for OAuth2 Server - spomky-labs/oauth2-server-resource-owner-password-credentials-grant-type (v1.0.0)
Resource Owner Credentials Grant Type for OAuth2 Server - spomky-labs/oauth2-server-refresh-token-grant-type (v1.0.0)
Refresh Token Grant Type for OAuth2 Server - spomky-labs/oauth2-server-password-client (v1.0.0)
Password Client for OAuth2 Server - spomky-labs/oauth2-server-defuse-generator (v1.0.1)
Defuse Security String Generator for OAuth2 Server - spomky-labs/oauth2-server-client-credentials-grant-type (v1.0.0)
Client Credentials Grant Type for OAuth2 Server - spomky-labs/oauth2-server-bearer-token (v1.0.0)
Bearer Access Token for OAuth2 Server - spomky-labs/oauth2-server-authcode-grant-type (v1.0.0)
Authorization Code Grant Type for OAuth2 Server - linchpinstudios/yii2-backstretch (v0.1-beta)
Jquery Backstrech Plugin for the Yii2 framework - strident/trident-standard (1.0.2-alpha, 1.0.1-alpha)
The "Trident Standard Edition" distribution. - strident/trident (1.0.2-alpha, 1.0.1-alpha)
The Trident PHP Framework - cyantree/grout (4.3)
Framework and toolkit - cakedc/tiny-mce (1.2.0)
TinyMCE Plugin for CakePHP - phppro/audit-lib (1.1.0)
PHPPRO Audit Lib - lasso/mail-parser-bundle (v1.0.7)
Parse mails using the Zend framework libraries - lasso/multilog-bundle (v0.1.3)
Use multiple instances of logger in one service - lasso/oauth2-client-bundle (v0.0.4)
Access APIs protected by the oauth2 authentication scheme - stephanecoinon/navigation (v0.1)
Simple static navigation handler - ftven/cli-amqp-extension (1.1.0)
AMQP helper classes/services for CLI Tools - andreyco/instagram (v3.1, v3.0)
An easy-to-use PHP Class for accessing Instagram's API. - dcarbone/helpers (6.0.1)
Some simple helper classes for PHP - lasso/vmail-bundle (v0.1.4)
an implementation of postfix virtual users - karwana/cache (1.0.0)
- spomky-labs/oauth2-server (v1.0.1, v1.0.0)
OAuth2 Server library - ftven/cli-common (1.1.0)
Common CLI helpers classes - smallneat/trust (1.0.5, 1.0.4, 1.0.3, 1.0.2, 1.0.1)
Roles and Permissions for Laravel4 - cakedc/recaptcha (2.2.3)
Recaptcha Plugin for CakePHP - ftven/common-lib (1.1.0)
Common classes/services - kisma/kisma (0.2.48, 0.2.47)
PHP Utility Belt - eventhorizon/page-bundle (v1.0.1)
EventHorizonPageBundle - smichaelsen/phpframework (1.1.0)
- bepado/sdk (v1.4.39)
The PHP Software Development Kit for Shop developers. - sinergi/registry (0.1.0)
PHP Dependency Injection helper that is object oriented and IDE friendly - beanmoss/annotroute (0.1)
Allows you to use Route annotations on your controllers. - mgribov/php-triptelligent (0.5)
Triptelligent RESTful API PHP5 library - messagebird/php-rest-api (1.1.0)
MessageBird REST API client for PHP - symfony/framework-standard-edition (v2.5.1, v2.4.7)
The "Symfony Standard Edition" distribution - sensiolabs/security-checker (v1.3.4)
A security checker for your composer.lock - embed/embed (v1.5.4)
PHP library to retrieve page info using oembed, opengraph, etc - userdeck/php-sdk (0.1.2)
UserDeck PHP SDK - payum/payum (0.9.2, 0.9.1)
Domain friendly payment framework. Paypal, payex, authorize.net, be2bill, omnipay, recurring paymens, instant notifications and many more - naneau/filegen (0.0.2, 0.0.1)
A PHP File and Directory Generating Tool - aequasi/cache-bundle (2.3.1)
Creates services in Symfony 2, for cache, that can also be used with doctrines three cache types (metadata, result, and query). It also provides functionality for session handler support, and Router support. - ytake/voltdb-client-wrapper (0.1)
voltdb client wrapper - temafey/phalcon-extjs (v0.6.5)
Extjs cms platform based on Phalcon framework - temafey/phalcon-engine (v0.4.5)
Web project engine base on Phalcon framework - elcodi/elcodi (v0.1.9.2, v0.1.9.1)
Barebones Ecommerce functionality for Symfony - elcodi/banner-bundle (v0.1.9.2, v0.1.9.1)
Elcodi Banner component - elcodi/cart-bundle (v0.1.9.2, v0.1.9.1)
Elcodi Cart component - elcodi/cart-coupon-bundle (v0.1.9.2, v0.1.9.1)
Elcodi Cart-Coupon bridge component - elcodi/core-bundle (v0.1.9.2, v0.1.9.1)
Elcodi Core component - elcodi/coupon-bundle (v0.1.9.2, v0.1.9.1)
Elcodi Coupon component - elcodi/currency-bundle (v0.1.9.2, v0.1.9.1)
Elcodi Currency component - elcodi/media-bundle (v0.1.9.2, v0.1.9.1)
Elcodi Media component - elcodi/menu-bundle (v0.1.9.2, v0.1.9.1)
Elcodi Menu component - elcodi/newsletter-bundle (v0.1.9.2, v0.1.9.1)
Elcodi Newsletter component - elcodi/product-bundle (v0.1.9.2, v0.1.9.1)
Elcodi Product component - elcodi/referral-program-bundle (v0.1.9.2, v0.1.9.1)
Elcodi ReferralProgram component - elcodi/rule-bundle (v0.1.9.2, v0.1.9.1)
Elcodi Rule component - elcodi/user-bundle (v0.1.9.2, v0.1.9.1)
Elcodi User component - mrjuliuss/syntara (1.2.8, 1.1.23)
Admin package for laravel 4 - blablacar/memcached-client (v1.0.3, v1.0.2, v1.0.1)
BlaBlarCar Memcached client - voceconnect/post-selection-ui (1.0.9)
A WordPress library to display a user interface to easily select posts from any post type - sammaye/mongoyii (6.1.0, 6.0.1)
A Yii MongoDB ORM - mmoreram/controller-extra-bundle (v1.1.0)
Some specific controller features - mecum/unify (1.0.4)
The data manipulation framework - robbertkl/photolibrary (v1.3.0)
Simple library for reading iPhoto '11 .photolibrary packages - gentle/bitbucket-api (0.5.1)
Bitbucket API wrapper for PHP >= 5.3 - rezzza/model-violation-logger-bundle (v1.1.10)
Log violations from a model. - leonjza/php-nessus-ng (0.2, 0.1)
PHP wrapper functions for interfacing with the Nessus API - ferrandini/pdo-session-bundle (v1.2)
Symfony2 PDOSession Bundle. - voceconnect/wp-large-options (1.0.0)
You may wish to store a larger option value than is recommended on WordPress.com. If your option data will exceed 400K, or is of an unpredictable size (such as an HTML fragment etc.) you should use the wp_large_options plugin to store the option in a cache-safe manner. Failure to do this could result in the option not being cached, and instead fetched repeatedly from the DB, which could cause performance problems. - harp-orm/timestamps (0.2.0)
Automatic createdAt and updatedAt properties - folklore/pages (v0.1.0)
Laravel 4 package to deal with Pages and Blocks in a content management system (CMS) - ttools/ttools (2.1.0)
A Twitter API wrapper library - hampel/useradmin (1.3.1)
User login and management package for Laravel - folklore/eloquent-picturable (v0.1.0)
Laravel 4 package to add pictures capabilities to Eloquent Models - symfony/symfony (v2.5.1, v2.4.7)
The Symfony PHP framework - pabloezequiel/environment (1.0.0)
Add a flag to your Laravel dev environments. - altek/sharepoint-client (v0.3.3, v0.3.2, v0.3.1)
SharePoint REST API Client - harp-orm/harp (0.2.0)
Light and Flexible ORM without magic - naonaox1126/vizualizer_twitter (v1.3.1, v1.3.0)
Visual Framework in PHP - hampel/validate-laravel-auth (1.3.0)
Custom Laravel 4 Auth Validator service provider composer package - ministryofjustice/opg-core-public-domain-model (0.20.10)
Domain model for the OPG Core project - folklore/image (v0.1.2)
Image manipulation library for Laravel 4 based on Imagine and inspired by Croppa for easy url based manipulation - blablacar/memcached-bundle (v1.0.2, v1.0.1, v1.0.0)
BlaBlarCar Memcached bundle - paquettg/leaguewrap (0.5.3)
A wrapper for the League of Legends API. - appsco/accounts-api (1.0.0-rc.5)
- rskuipers/csv (1.1.2)
Simple CSV library - aciliainternet/component-memcached (0.1.2, 0.1.1)
Acilia Component for Memcached - keboola/storage-api-client (2.11.13, 2.11.12)
Keboola Storage API PHP CLient - kappa/doctrine (v2.1.1)
- aciliainternet/component-fragment-cache (0.1.2, 0.1.1)
Acilia Component for Fragment Cache - noxlogic/ratelimit-bundle (1.1)
This bundle provides functionality to limit calls to actions based on rate limits - andrewtimmins/php-iputils (0.1.0, 1.0.0)
A simple PHP class with a number of useful IP address functions. - avisota/contao-message-renderer-mailchimp (2.0.1)
Renderer that use MailChimp templates. - imsamurai/active-record-for-cakephp (1.2.6)
Implementation of active record for CakePHP - elementsdk/angular.plugin (3.0.3)
- eventhorizon/assets-bundle (v1.1)
EventHorizonAssetsBundle - tinymce/tinymce (4.1.1)
Web based JavaScript HTML WYSIWYG editor control. - openbuildings/jam (0.4.53)
Small but feature rich ORM, has extensible models and builders, baked in upload functionality, supporting multiple backends (rackspace, ftp), polymorphic associations, form builders, nested forms, validators - fetchwitter/fetchwitter (1.0.6)
PHP framework to fetch tweets from Twitter API v1.1 using OAuth authentication/authorization - zenify/bootstrap (v2.3.2, v2.3.1, v2.3.0)
Framework based on Nette. - openbuildings/flex-storage (0.1.3)
Flexible storage provider for files (rackspace, aws, ftp, local) - zenify/security (v1.0.0)
Zenify Security component - lexik/jwt-authentication-bundle (v1.0.1)
This bundles provides JWT authentication for your Symfony2 REST API - allmyles/allmyles-sdk-php (v1.0.1, v1.0.0)
Allmyles travel services API SDK, PHP library - proberts/skip32 (0.0.0-alpha-1)
Skip32 php implementation - 32-bit block cipher based on Skipjack - symfony/http-kernel (v2.4.7)
Symfony HttpKernel Component - payum/be2bill (0.9.1)
Be2Bill payment lib - debranova/program (1.1.1)
General code for Debranova Program - linfo/linfo (v2.00)
App and library for easily parsing and displaying system information of the host, like network/torrents/cpu/memory/usb/pci/sound cards/filesystems/raid array/ipmi/etc. - symfony/intl (v2.4.7)
A PHP replacement layer for the C intl extension that includes additional data from the ICU library. - symfony/property-access (v2.4.7)
Symfony PropertyAccess Component - symfony/browser-kit (v2.4.7)
Symfony BrowserKit Component - symfony/config (v2.4.7)
Symfony Config Component - symfony/debug (v2.4.7)
Symfony Debug Component - symfony/options-resolver (v2.4.7)
Symfony OptionsResolver Component - symfony/routing (v2.4.7)
Symfony Routing Component - symfony/yaml (v2.4.7)
Symfony Yaml Component - symfony/form (v2.4.7)
Symfony Form Component - symfony/dependency-injection (v2.4.7)
Symfony DependencyInjection Component - symfony/process (v2.4.7)
Symfony Process Component - symfony/locale (v2.4.7)
Symfony Locale Component - symfony/filesystem (v2.4.7)
Symfony Filesystem Component - g4/di (0.1.2)
g4 dependencies injection container based on Pimple - debranova/general (1.1.1)
General shared code for Debranova - prezent/doctrine-translatable-bundle (0.2)
Integrate the doctrine-translatable extension in Symfony2 - libra/jquery-assets (1.11.1)
jQuery assets for frameworks - prezent/doctrine-translatable (0.2)
Translatable behaviour extension for Doctrine2 - contao-community-alliance/composer (0.13.1)
composer integration into the contao cms - libra/twitter-bootstrap-assets (3.2.0)
Twitter Bootstrap assets for ZF2 projects - addwiki/mediawiki-datamodel (0.4)
A Mediawiki datamodel - debranova/contact (1.1.1)
General code for Debranova contacts - pokitdok/pokitdok-php (1.0.18)
PHP client for http://platform.pokitdok.com - debranova/calendar (1.1.1)
General code for Debranova Calendar items - peakfijn/get-some-rest (v0.4.2)
A package to give your Laravel project some REST. - appointedd/appointedd-php (0.0.3)
- moovly/recurly-bundle (1.3.3)
Provides the moovly/recurly library as a service - debranova/project (1.1.1)
General code for Debranova Projects - mikehaertl/php-shellcommand (1.0.1)
An object oriented interface to shell commands - zirak/simple-gallery (1.1)
A simple photogallery management module - tureki/php-validator (0.5.0)
PHP validator is a best library to verify the data submitted from front-end. This library setting format follow Bootstrapvalidator. That mean if you front-end use Bootstrapvalidator, back-end use PHP validator. You just need to define a format that can double validate front-end and back-end. - rauwekost/release-bundle (1.5.6)
Symfony2 gitflow release automation and deployment bundle - ideea/language-detector (v1.1)
Detect languages by text - anlutro/l4-core (0.16.9, 0.16.8)
Core L4 functionality. - comur/image-bundle (1.0.1)
Symfony ComurImageBundle - lucasmichot/eloquentcopy (0.1)
Provides a simple way to duplicate a model instance - foxted/permissions (1.2beta)
Tiny Laravel 4 package for handling user roles and permissions based on the work of mrterryh/permissions - srio/rest-upload-bundle (2.0.2)
Handle multiple rest upload ways - kitpages/data-grid-bundle (v2.0.1, v2.0.0)
Symfony DataGridBundle - jacobsteringa/odoo-client (0.0.2)
A PHP Client for Odoo - rubyrainbows/curl (1.0.3)
PHP OOP Wrapper - anahkiasen/flickering (0.1.2)
A modern interface for the Flickr API - coryjthompson/fakesmtp-php (v1.0.0)
FakeSMTP PHP bindings - naonaox1126/vizualizer_advertise (v1.3.0)
Visual Framework in PHP - naonaox1126/vizualizer (v1.3.0)
Visual Framework in PHP - mthaml/mthaml (1.5.0)
HAML for PHP - mdurrant/php-binary-reader (v0.1-alpha)
Lightweight binary reader for PHP - radic/blade-extensions (v0.1.0)
Laravel package providing additional Blade extensions: foreach (with $loop data like twig), break, continue, set,array (multiline), etc - mozarcik/yii-datepicker (1.4.0)
Yii extension wrapper for bootstrap-datepicker - squire/symfony (1.0.0)
Various tools for Symfony - squire/core (1.0.1)
Squire Core - newington/simplesamlphp-module-authtest-endtoend (v0.1.0)
An end to end test for authenticating - pingpong/trusty (1.0.0)
Roles and Permissions for Laravel 4 - pingpong/menus (1.0.1)
Laravel 4 - Simple Menus
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