
NetTuts.com: Running WordPress on OpenShift: An Introduction

On the NetTuts site today there's a new tutorial that wants to help you get WordPress installed on OpenShift, the platform-as-a-service offering from RedHat that includes full PHP support.

OpenShift is a very good platform for running a WordPress site. PagodaBox and AppFog fair for hosting PHP applications for free; however, PagodaBox is quite slow, and has a hard limit of 10MB of MySQL for free plan. AppFog no longer supports custom domain on their free plan. You can also run PHP on Heroku, but it's a bit on the slow, as well. OpenShift solves all of above problems: It's fast enough, offers a free custom domain, offers large disk space, and a significant amount of MySQL storage.

They start by introducing some of the features OpenShift offers and the basics of what it includes in the free plans. They then walk you through the full process to getting an account set up and creating the environment for the WordPress install:

  • Sign Up for an Account
  • Setup Your Publish Key
  • Get Your WordPress Up (includes code changes if porting an existing installation)
  • Use Your Own Domain
  • Setup phpMyAdmin

They also offer some tips post-installation to help keep things up and running (monitored), enabling remote SSH access and using SFTP to connect to the application if there's a need.

Link: http://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/running-wordpress-on-openshift-an-introduction--cms-20058

