- briceburg/silverstripe-flexilink (0.1.0)
Link to SiteTree Pages, External URLs, YouTube Videos, &c. from a single, flexible SilverStripe field. - voku/simple-cache (1.0.6)
Simple Cache library - dragonrider23/minidb (1.0.0)
A simple mini database implemented in PHP. - briceburg/silverstripe-flexichoice (0.1.0)
SilverStripe field for providing arbitrary text input or selecting from YAML configurable presets. - headzoo/nexmo (v0.1)
Library for communicating with the Nexmo SMS API. - voku/urlify (1.0.4-stable, 1.0.3-stable)
PHP port of URLify.js from the Django project. Transliterates non-ascii characters for use in URLs. - sunnysideup/metatags (3.1.0)
simplify your metatags - a ton of tools to increase SEO visibility, including file name adjustments - zulfajuniadi/laravel-base (4.2.6)
Jumpstart Laravel Development - sunnysideup/googleanalyticsbasics (3.1.0)
add google analytics to your Silverstripe website - stevecoug/cohort (v0.1.2, v0.1.1, v0.1.0)
A library of simple functions and classes for PHP 5.4+ - cmdz/spam-canner (0.2.1, 0.2)
Extensible Spam Detection Filters based on snook.ca post - auth0/jwt-auth-bundle (0.0.3)
Support for authenticating users JWT. - wms/symfony-wms-edition (v2.6.3, v2.5.9, v2.3.24)
Wolf Microsystems' Symfony2 Framework distribution - guzzlehttp/guzzle (5.2.0)
Guzzle is a PHP HTTP client library and framework for building RESTful web service clients - crysalead/kahlan (1.0.1)
Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) library. - voku/simple-mysqli (v1.3)
Simple MySQLi library - genealabs/bones-macros (0.2.30, 0.2.29, 0.2.28, 0.2.27, 0.2.26)
Useful form macros for Laravel's Blade template engine. - joefallon/phpdatabase (v2.0.2)
This package contains simple to use database access layer that eschews the ORM mentality. - saidbakr/yii-jui-themes-list (1.7, 1.6, 1.5, 1.4, 1.3, 1.2)
Yii2 widget to list and apply yii-jui themes - jbboehr/dnsbl (v0.1.0)
DNSBL lookup - digital-canvas/zend-framework (1.12.10)
Zend Framework with only the libraries and require_once() calls commented out for better performance with an autoloader. - tomk79/csv2json (1.0.0)
CSVă‚'čŞăżčžźă‚"ă§ă'é'Łćƒłé…ĺˆ-構é' ăŤĺ¤‰ć›ăă‚‹ă'‚ăă‚Œă‚'JSONăŤĺ‡şĺŠ›ăă‚‹ă'‚ - dericofilho/fmt (7.0.1, 7.0.0, 6.6.0)
A script to automatically fix K&R and PSR-1/2 Coding Standard. - gielfeldt/ultimate (1.0.0-alpha3, 1.0.0-alpha2, 1.0.0-alpha1)
Ultimate library. - lifeinthecloud/video-player-bundle (1.0.1, 1.0.0)
Symfony LITCVideoPlayerBundle - alameda-red/datetime (0.0.2)
Alameda DateTime component - julien-boudry/condorcet (v0.90-beta10, v0.90-beta9)
Condorcet is a PHP Class to computing many Condorcet voting methods - janschumann/dic (v0.1.0)
Integrates Symfony´s dependency injection container with drupal. - saxulum/saxulum-crud (1.0-beta7, 1.0-beta6)
Saxulum CRUD - joefallon/phpcsrf (v1.0.3)
PhpCsrf is a simple library for cross-site request forgery prevention. - juniwalk/shield (v1.2.6)
Maintenance manager for Nette Framework - aztech/event-bus (v1.1.6)
Event bus library - core only - axstrad/content (v0.3)
- zfcampus/zf-apigility-doctrine (0.3.3)
Doctrine for Apigility - sabre/uri (1.0.0)
Functions for making sense out of URIs. - brown-paper-tickets/bpt-api (v0.13)
A library for interacting with the Brown Paper Tickets API - juniwalk/common (v0.9.9)
Package of most common classes. - janschumann/classloader_composer (v0.1.0)
A simple module to autoload classes known to composer. - phly/http (0.9.1)
PSR HTTP Message implementations - xoops/base-requires (v0.1.7)
Primary dependencies for XOOPS/XoopsCore - volnix/jobber (1.3.0, 1.2.0)
A slim library for printing typical CLI job output. - khandieyea/xeroci (v1.3.3)
- unit-testing/function-spy (v0.0.0)
a testing utility for phpunit that helps test globally defined functions - crodas/class-info (v0.1.13, v0.1.12)
Get classes and functions defined in a given file - sdebacker/typicms (v1.7.15, v1.7.14)
Multilingual CMS build with Laravel 4.2 - mikemix/zf2htmlpurifier (0.1)
HTMLPurifier as ZF2 Filter - gettext/gettext (v3.1)
PHP gettext mananger - onigoetz/imagecache (1.1.0)
Image caching for everybody - danoon/mvc (1.1, 1.0)
Basic MVC framework - christianblos/micro (1.0.0)
Very lightweight PHP Micro-Framework - irestful/concretenumericcomparisonclauses (13.11.28)
- mikemix/zf2-tidy-filter (0.2, 0.1)
TIDY filter for Zend Framework 2 - aws/aws-sdk-php (2.7.17)
AWS SDK for PHP - Use Amazon Web Services in your PHP project - jeremykendall/php-domain-parser (2.0.1)
Public Suffix List based URL parsing implemented in PHP. - nette/tester (v1.3.1)
An easy-to-use PHP unit testing framework. - castlepointanime/slack-api-bundle (0.4)
Symfony bundle for interacting with the Slack API - ciims-modules/api (2.0.10)
The API module for CiiMS - wiseape/payum-sofortuberweisung (v1.1.4)
SofortUberweisung implementation for payum pamyent framework - laacz/xls-parser (0.2, 0.1)
Library to parse XLS files - baibaratsky/php-webmoney (v0.10.1)
WebMoney API PHP Library - isidromerayo/simple_php_skeleton (v0.9.9.4)
Simple skeleton PHP project with Symfony2 components - rednose/rednose-ui (v1.6.1)
RedNoseUI JavaScript framework. - pyrsmk/minisuite (2.0.0, 1.2.1)
A mini unit testing tool - ddinchev/yii-factory-girl (v1.0.0)
Yii 1.1 fixture replacement framework. Inspired by factory_girl_rails and kengos' FactoryGirl for Yii. - kartik-v/yii2-helpers (v1.3.0)
A collection of useful helper functions for Yii Framework 2.0 - falc/flysystem-sftp-symlink-plugin (v1.0.0)
Sftp symlink plugin for Flysystem. - falc/flysystem-local-symlink-plugin (v1.0.0)
Local symlink plugin for Flysystem. - dlds/yii2-imageable (0.3)
Yii2 extension for handling AR images - dlds/yii2-metronic (0.8)
Yii2 Metronic theme integration - kartik-v/yii2-builder (v1.6.0)
Build forms (single-row or multi-row/tabular) easily for Yii Framework 2.0 - kartik-v/yii2-detail-view (v1.6.0)
Various enhancements to the Yii 2 Detail View with ability to edit data and manage Bootstrap 3 styles. - fabpot/php-cs-fixer (v1.4.1)
A script to automatically fix Symfony Coding Standard - backbone/chaching (0.9.1)
Universal payment library for banking services in Slovakia - billforward/bf-php (v8.2015.27)
BillForward PHP Client Library - fresque/fresque (1.3.0)
A command line tool to manage your php-resque workers - heimrichhannot/contao-slick (1.0.1)
Slick, a content slider for contao. - imsamurai/audit-log (1.1.41)
CakePHP Audit Plugin - omnipay/stripe (v2.1.2)
Stripe driver for the Omnipay payment processing library - wp-papi/papi (v1.1.0-rc.3)
Page Type API - appserver-io/server (0.2.2)
Multithreaded server daemon framework - kamisama/monolog-init (0.2.1)
Very basic and light Dependency Injector Container for Monolog - baddum/sql418 (v1.0.0)
A library to extend SQL requests - psecio/gatekeeper (2.0)
A simple PHP authentication and authorization library - danzabar/phalcon-cli (v1.0.0)
Tools that extend the functionality of the Phalcon frameworks CLI - bauer01/unimapper-flexibee (v1.0.3)
Flexibee implementation for UniMapper - shootproof/php-sdk (1.0.0)
The API comes free of charge with your ShootProof account and currently is only available in the form of JSON responses. Read up on the API documentation to discover the different methods that are available. - phy/cache-bundle (1.0.0, 0.1.3, 0.1.2)
Cache Bundle for Symfony2 that supports APC, Memcache, Memcached, Redis, Local, and Disk storage. - danielgp/common-lib (1.1.15)
Common functions to be used where needed - cubex/framework (2.0.6)
Cubex Framework - ministryofjustice/opg-core-public-domain-model (
Domain model for the OPG Core project - temafey/phalcon-engine (v0.7.8.1, v0.7.8)
Web project engine base on Phalcon framework - panique/huge (v3.0.0-RC1)
A full-feature user authentication / login system embedded into a simple but powerful MVC framework structure - netzmacht/contao-leaflet-maps (1.0.0-beta1)
Contao Leaflet maps integration - appserver-io/routlt (0.3.0)
Servlet based micro router and controller implementation. - alejandroherr/silex-esngalaxysecurityserviceprovider (v0.1)
Cas security service provider for silex to authenticate with the ESN Galaxy - netzmacht/contao-leaflet-metamodels (1.0.0-beta1)
Metamodels layer for the Leaflet maps integration in Contao CMS - andreas-weber/php-sms (1.0.2)
SMS library for PHP - earthit/cmip-rest (0.0.92)
Collection-Modifiers-ID-Property REST framework - gabrielbull/ups-api (0.2.2)
UPS API PHP Wrapper - adamlc/address-format (1.3.2)
A PHP library to parse street addresses to localized formats - imaginaerum/vagrant-ubuntu-trusty (1.4.3, 1.4.2)
Vagrant Ubuntu Trusty 64 - jakecleary/ultrapress (v0.2.3, v0.2.2, v0.2.0, v0.1.1)
An advanced framework for working with Wordpress; the core app folder structure. - pyrsmk/longuevue (0.1.1)
A simple contents extractor - abcaeffchen/sephpa (1.2.4)
Generates Sepa files for credit transfers (pain.001.002.03, pain.001.003.03) and direct debit (pain.008.002.02, pain.008.003.02) - appserver-io-psr/application (0.5.0)
PSR, for a threaded application implementation - phpunit/phpunit (4.4.5)
The PHP Unit Testing framework. - vsn4ik/bootstrap-submenu (v1.2.11)
Bootstrap Sub-Menus - appserver-io-psr/pms (0.2.0)
PSR containing Enterprise PHP Messaging classes and interfaces. - romeoz/rock-di (0.9.0)
Small and flexible Dependency Injection Container for PHP - phake/phake (1.0.8, v2.0.0-beta5)
The Phake mock testing library - appserver-io-psr/socket (0.2.0)
PSR for standardized socket usage - liip/theme-bundle (1.1.2)
Provides theming support for #Symfony2 Bundles - jakecleary/ultrapress-library (v0.2.1)
An advanced library for working with Wordpress; the core of the Ultrapress framework - appserver-io-psr/naming (0.2.0)
PSR, for naming service - appserver-io-psr/epb (0.4.0)
PSR containing Enterprise PHP Beans classes and interfaces. - janhenkgerritsen/codeception-laravel5 (1.0.9)
Laravel5 module for Codeception - appserver-io-psr/http-message (0.2.0)
PSR package containing some interface for HTTP messaging while PSR-7 is in proposal state - appserver-io-psr/servlet (0.8.0)
PSR, for a PHP based servlet engine - appserver-io-psr/context (0.6.0)
PSR, defining simple context functionality. - exonintrendo/recurrence (v1.0.1, v1.0.0)
Recurrence PHP library for consolidating dates and times into recurrences - maslosoft/ilmatar-components (1.0.6, 1.0.5, 1.0.4, 1.0.3)
Ilmatar components - kreait/firebase-php (0.3.1, 0.3)
Firebase REST API client - ckeditor/ckeditor (4.4.7)
JavaScript WYSIWYG web text editor. - gordalina/mixpanel-bundle (
Integration of Mixpanel into Symfony2 - phly/conduit (0.12.0)
Middleware for PHP - freshmindpl/wyszukiwarkaregon (1.0.0, 0.1.1-alpha, 0.1.0-alpha)
Baza Internetowa REGON API - label305/docx-extractor (0.1.7, 0.1.6)
PHP library for extracting and replacing string data in .docx files. - suralc/pvra (v0.1.0)
Detects the php-version requirement of a given piece of code. - jk/restserver (2.0.0-alpha4)
A PHP REST server for providing a very light-weight REST API without aweful routing configuration - sokil/php-mongo (1.12.4)
PHP Object Document Mapper for MongoDB - sokil/php-mongo-bundle (0.1.3)
MongoDb Symfony Bundle - warwar/yii2-theme-flat (v0.3, v0.2)
Flat theme for Yii2 Web Application - sokil/php-mongo-migrator (0.1.6)
Migrations for mongo - elastification/php-client (0.7.1, 0.7.0)
The elastification php client aims to be a very flexible and well performing client to elasticsearch. It supports multiple transports and serializers to maximize it's flexibility. - backbee/backbee (v0.11.3)
BackBee is the next generation open source CMS - mekit/crm-platform (v1.0.8, v1.0.6, v1.0.5)
Mekit CRM Platform Skeleton - temafey/phalcon-extjs (v0.7.8.2)
Extjs cms platform based on Phalcon framework - minioak/ebay-trading (v1.0.5)
eBay Trading PHP SDK - ongr/elasticsearch-bundle (v0.5.0)
elasticsearch php client bundle for Symfony 2. - zfr/zfr-stripe (v2.11.0)
PHP library for interacting with the Stripe REST API - ydle/hub-bundle (0.5.88)
Ydle Main Bundle - maslosoft/ilmatar-widgets (1.0.3)
Ilmatar widgets - maslosoft/ilmatar-module-ua (1.0.3)
Ilmatar user management module - maslosoft/ilmatar-module-admin (1.0.3)
Ilmatar admin module - maslosoft/ilmatar-module-dev (1.0.3)
Ilmatar dev module - chadicus/date (v0.1.0)
A collection of various PHP classes for use with PHP's DateTime extension. - rmrevin/yii2-rbac-migration (1.1.1, 1.1.0, 1.0.2)
Extension for RBAC migrations for Yii2 - mlocati/concrete5-translation-library (1.0.1)
Library to handle concrete5 core and package translations - pbergman/shm-caching (2.0.3)
a shared memory caching library - micschk/silverstripe-gridfieldpages (1.0)
Base Page & Holder classes for managing SiteTree items in a Gridfield instead of via SiteTree - jiro/product (0.1.1)
Product catalog system with support for product options, variants and properties. - cmuench/lib.notify (1.0.0)
Linux desktop notification library - symfony/assetic-bundle (v2.6.1)
Integrates Assetic into Symfony2 - zfr/zfr-cash (v1.0.0-beta.3, v1.0.0-beta.2, v1.0.0-beta.1)
Zend Framework 2 module that simplify payments with Stripe payment gateway - julatools/yii2-configmanager (v0.1)
Flexible configuartion/parameter manager for Yii2 - skeeks/yii2-sx (1.0.2)
Skeeks framework for yii framework - bican/roles (1.1)
Simple package for handling roles and permissions in Laravel 5. - jameshalsall/http-foundation-raw-json-response (1.1.0)
A very small repository providing a RawJsonResponse object for the Symfony HttpFoundation - contao-bootstrap/navigation (1.0.0-rc2)
Bootstrap navigation component for Contao CMS - contao-bootstrap/panel (1.0.0-rc2)
Bootstrap panel component for Contao CMS - drmonty/garlicjs (1.2.3)
Automatically persist your forms' text and select field values locally, until the form is submitted. - nickcv/yii2-encrypter (1.0.2)
Openssl Encrypter for Yii2 - puli/symfony-bundle (1.0.0-beta2)
Integrates the Puli library into the Symfony2 full-stack framework. - nickcv/yii2-mandrill (1.1.1)
Mandrill Api Integration for Yii2 - puli/composer-plugin (1.0.0-beta2)
Integrates Composer into the Puli package manager. - suramon/itertools (1.5.29)
Iterators implemented in PHP, copy-pasted from Python - lavalite/menu (2.3.1)
Menu package for lavalite framework - lavalite/page (2.3.1)
Page package for lavalite framework - graze/feed (0.0.2, 0.0.1)
supply ordered feeds of articles - heimrichhannot/contao-blocks (1.0.1)
Contao blocks module is a site-dependent container, that manipulates the visibility of elements. - regattadev/dates (0.4.0)
Work with dates and ranges, seasons, financial periods, etc - puli/cli (1.0.0-beta2)
A Command Line Interface (CLI) for managing Puli repositories. - tomk79/px2-jade (2.0.0)
Pickles 2 ăŤă'Jadeć-‡ćł•ă§ă‚łăƒłăƒ†ăƒłăƒ„ă‚'ă‚łăƒźăƒ‡ă‚Łăƒłă‚°ă§ăă‚‹ćŠŸčƒ˝ă‚'čż˝ĺŠ ă-ăžăă'‚ - vince/cms-bundle (2.0.4)
Basic CMS features for Symfony 2.5+ - pushapi/client-php (v1.6.2)
A PHP standalone client that facilitates to developers the use of all the PushApi functionalities - fenom/storage (1.1.0)
Fenom extension: store data in fenom - whichbrowser/whichbrowser (v1.0.1016)
User agent sniffing gone too far - puli/repository-manager (1.0.0-beta2)
Generates Puli repositories from configured packages. - puli/discovery (1.0.0-beta2)
Discovers Puli resources bound to predefined types. - puli/repository (1.0.0-beta2)
A filesystem-like repository for storing arbitrary resources. - turnaev/mysql-workbench-schema-exporter-symfony2-bundle (v1.1.3)
MySQL Workbench Schema Exporter bundle for Symfony 2.2+ - micschk/silverstripe-excludechildren (1.1, 1.0)
Extension to hide pages from the SiteTree - sgrodzicki/pingdom (1.1.5)
A PHP library for dealing with the Pingdom REST API - samsonphp/google_translate (1.0.1)
Google Translte SamsonPHP module - mekit/crm-application (v1.0.1, v1.0)
Mekit CRM Application - teleduino/php-teleduino328-client (v0.4.0)
PHP Teleduino Client for interacting with your Teleduino328 device. - bigpoint/slim-bootstrap (1.0.2, 1.0.1)
These classes provide a simple way to bootstrap a Slim application with authentication. - himiklab/yii2-ckeditor-widget (1.0.3)
WYSIWYG editor widget for Yii2 - calcinai/xero-php (v1.0.3, v1.0.2)
A client implementation of the Xero API, with a cleaner OAuth interface and ORM-like abstraction. - nicolasdewez/workflow-bundle (v1.0.2)
This bundle provides an use of steps workflow - friendsofsymfony/rest-bundle (1.5.0)
This Bundle provides various tools to rapidly develop RESTful API's with Symfony2 - smce/frameworkonlyphp (v1.0.2a, v1.0.2)
SmceFramework Only PHP - irestful/numericcomparisonclauses (13.11.28)
- netzmacht/contao-font-awesome (4.3.0)
Integrates Font Awesome into Contao frontend and backend - mcfedr/json-form (2.0.3)
A couple of helper files for handling json with symfony forms - xj/yii2-uploadify-widget (1.0.1, 3.2.2)
yii2-uploadify-widget - carrooi/helpers (1.0.2)
Helpers for Nette framework - twentyfirsthall/vagrant-phpbb (v1.0.0)
An out-of-the-box phpBB flavored Vagrant development box managed by Composer - phpbu/phpbu (1.0.2)
PHP Backup utility. - elendev/checkout-bundle (1.1.5)
Provide simple checkout utilities for paypal - wp-pay-extensions/event-espresso (1.0.1)
Event Espresso driver for the WordPress payment processing library. - reputation-vip/composer-assets-installer (1.0.1)
- smce/framework (v1.0.2)
SmceFramework - twentyfirsthall/phpbb-installer (v1.0.0)
Composer installer script to install phpBB 3.1 into the web root - nature/base (v0.0.1)
Simply a PHP Library - innova/support-bundle (3.0)
Claroline Support Bundle - anhskohbo/no-captcha (1.2.4, 2.0)
No CAPTCHA reCAPTCHA For Laravel. - brad-jones/robo-tasks (v0.2.0)
Extra Tasks for the Robo Task Runner - http://robo.li/ - elendev/image-bundle (1.1.8)
Provide simple image utilities for resizing - elendev/widget-bundle (0.3.2)
Provide simple widget management
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