In the /r/php subreddit on a question was posed to the community: What changes would you like to see in PHP 7?. So far there's 80+ answers with a wide variety of responses.
As well as massive performance improvements, PHP 7's change / feature list is already looking great. You can find most of the features that have been accepted or are under discussion on the PHP Dev Wiki: RFCs section. But what changes would make a difference to you? What would you really like to see make it in (already suggested or a new suggestion)?
Here's just a few of the suggestions made by fellow Reddit users:
- fixing inconsistencies in naming
- sandboxed eval
- a complete rework of the standard library
- the introduction of generics
- adding enum functionality
- type aliasing
- stack traces for fatal errors
Check out the full post for more ideas and feedback from other members of the community too. It's an interesting list of suggestions, some that are even already in the works.