
Dave Hulbert: Thoughts on PSR-7

In a new post to his site Dave Hulbert has shared some of his thoughts about the PSR-7 standard, a HTTP proposal for HTTP handling.

PSR-7 contains interfaces for HTTP messages. These are like Symfony Kernel's Request and Response interfaces. Having these new interfaces would be great for the PHP community but there's a couple of issues with their current state that I'm not happy with.

One of PSR-7's goals is "Keep the interfaces as minimal as possible". I think the current interfaces are not minimal enough.

He breaks down his thoughts into a few different sections covering ideas around:

  • Immutability and PSR-7's enforcement of mutability
  • Being too strict to the (HTTP) spec
  • Splitting client and server message interfaces
  • Writing and reading from StreamableInterface

He sums up his thoughts under each section pretty quickly. If you haven't heard much about the PSR-7 proposal and want more context on what he's referencing, check out this proposal (or other posts sharing opinions from other developers).

Link: http://createopen.com/design/php/2014/12/15/psr-7.html

