
Community News: Latest PECL Releases for 02.03.2015

Latest PECL Releases:
  • xmldiff 1.1.1
    - fix availability of integer constant macros in C++ (Jan Ehrhardt)

  • xmldiff 1.1.0
    - PHP7 compatibility

  • hrtime 0.5.0
    - PHP7 compatibility
    - marked stable

  • timezonedb 2015.1
    Updated to version 2015.1 (2015a)

  • mongo 1.6.0
    ** Bug
    * [PHP-953] - MongoCollection::ensureIndex() should not validate namespace length
    * [PHP-977] - An iteration on a MongoCursor object with yield produces a memory leak.
    * [PHP-1063] - Refactor cursor logic to follow MongoCommandCursor
    * [PHP-1145] - Clean up MONGO_METHOD calls in db_ref.c
    * [PHP-1146] - Clean up MONGO_METHOD calls in mongo.c
    * [PHP-1149] - Fix database and collection name validation
    * [PHP-1218] - Add MongoDate->toDateTime to allow creation of DateTime object from MongoDate
    * [PHP-1229] - MongoGridFS::remove() ignores justOne option when deleting chunks
    * [PHP-1237] - Possible to read memory before mongo_cursor.ns pointer
    * [PHP-1245] - MONGO_METHOD calls within generators cause segfaults
    * [PHP-1247] - MongoClient should not inherit timeout of persistent connection
    * [PHP-1251] - MongoCursor::count() should use cursor's maxTimeMS
    * [PHP-1266] - phpinfo() lists a default authentication mechanism (which may not be the default)
    * [PHP-1267] - Windows build failure
    * [PHP-1268] - Fix uninitialized variable usages with deprecated properties
    * [PHP-1269] - Validate encoding and decoding of MongoBinData::UUID_RFC4122
    * [PHP-1270] - MongoDate->toDateTime is only supported for PHP 5.3.4 and later.
    * [PHP-1272] - bson_encode() segfaults with some BSON type classes
    * [PHP-1273] - bson_encode() MongoTimestamp erroneously creates BSON date
    * [PHP-1275] - Memory leak with 2x MongoClient
    * [PHP-1276] - Fix tests for 2.8
    * [PHP-1277] - bson_encode() does not handle MongoMaxKey and MongoMinKey
    * [PHP-1278] - runcommand memory leak
    * [PHP-1280] - Can not connect without authentication credentials (results in segfault)
    * [PHP-1285] - Add MongoDB::getCollectionInfo as per SPEC-54
    * [PHP-1286] - MongoCollection::count() segfaults due to a double free
    * [PHP-1297] - Memory read errors with deprecated properties.
    * [PHP-1351] - Handle listCollections and listIndexes results for non-existent databases and collections
    * [PHP-1355] - Collection and index enumeration fails if cursor's first batch is empty
    * [PHP-1357] - Command cursor may cause log_response_header callback to segfault
    * [PHP-1360] - Do not compare php_mongocursor_is_valid() result to FAILURE constant
    * [PHP-1361] - php_mongo_runcommand() should load current element before handling errors
    * [PHP-1366] - aggregateCursor() with $out does not force primary selection
    * [PHP-1367] - aggregate() with var args does not restore read pref after forcing primary for $out
    * [PHP-1368] - Force primary read pref over primaryPreferred if pipeline ends with $out
    * [PHP-1369] - Clear tag sets when forcing primary read pref for aggregate
    * [PHP-1370] - Implement get/setReadPreference() for MongoCommandCursor
    * [PHP-1371] - Resolve memory leak with connection replica set tags
    * [PHP-1372] - explicitly null-terminate buffer written by gethostname()
    * [PHP-1376] - MongoDB::getCollectionInfo() should trim database prefix when querying system.namespaces

    ** Improvement
    * [PHP-904] - Implement MongoDate::__set_state
    * [PHP-1160] - Allow count to work with query hints
    * [PHP-1219] - Drop support for PHP 5.2.
    * [PHP-1256] - Implement MongoCommandCursor::timeout()
    * [PHP-1263] - MongoCollection::count() should throw MongoExecutionTimeoutException on maxTimeMS timeout
    * [PHP-1321] - Support cursor in listCollections and listIndexes commands
    * [PHP-1356] - Do not enforce batch size for collection and index enumeration commands
    * [PHP-1358] - Allow command cursor option to be array or object
    * [PHP-1378] - MongoDB::getCollectionInfo() should return a numerically indexed array

    ** New Feature
    * [PHP-1161] - Implement the SCRAM-SHA-1 SASL Mechanism
    * [PHP-1257] - Support 50 replicaset members
    * [PHP-1259] - MongoDB::listCollections() should support filter option

    ** Task
    * [PHP-1151] - Remove support for compiling without PHP streams
    * [PHP-1225] - Use listCollections command for MongoDB::listCollections and MongoDB::getCollectionNames
    * [PHP-1226] - Use listIndexes command for MongoCollection::getIndexInfo()
    * [PHP-1227] - Bump maxWireProtocolVersion for 2.8 features
    * [PHP-1238] - Support authMechanismProperties MongoClient option
    * [PHP-1241] - Change MongoCursor::info()['at'] to zero-based indexing
    * [PHP-1244] - Mark MongoCursor::doQuery as final
    * [PHP-1258] - Test against non-mmapv1 storage engines (heap + wiredtiger)
    * [PHP-1318] - Document options for collection enumeration methods
    * [PHP-1328] - Document MongoCursorInterface
    * [PHP-1330] - Document MongoDB::command() $hash by-reference parameter
    * [PHP-1354] - MongoCommandCursor::key() returns an integer
    * [PHP-1363] - Move MongoCursor::valid() checks to php_mongocursor_is_valid()
    * [PHP-1365] - Do not enforce batch size on cursor commands
    * [PHP-1374] - Clarify that MongoTimestamp is for internal use only
    * [PHP-1375] - Clarify that MongoMaxKey and MongoMinKey are primarily for internal use

  • amqp 1.6.0beta2
    1.6.0beta2 Release:
    * Pulled 1.6.0beta1, as it had the stable tag

    1.6.0beta1 Release:
    * Add support for nested arguments values (Bogdan Padalko)
    * Add auto_delete and internal flags support for AMQPExchange::declare (librabbitmq version > 0.5.2 required) (Bogdan Padalko)
    * Fix persistence support (Bogdan Padalko)
    * Add AMQPExchange::unbind method and fix AMQPExchange::bind method. WARNING: this can potentially break BC
    * Add support to consume messages from multiple queues (Bogdan Padalko)
    * Add AMQP_DURABLE flag support to AMQPExchange::setFlags (librabbitmq version > 0.5.2 required) (Bogdan Padalko)
    * Fix inconsistent INI values comparison which leads to deprecation warnings (Bogdan Padalko)
    * Various segfault and memory leak fixes (Bogdan Padalko)
    For a complete list of changes see:

    1.4.0 Release:
    * Fix #72: Publishing to an exchange with an empty name is valid and should not throw an exception (lstrojny)
    * Fix #77: AMQPQueue::delete() now no longer returns a boolean, but an integer of how many messages were deleted. WARNING: this can potentially break BC (Bogdan Padalko)
    * Fix #75: adhering to the AMQP spec by closing channel and sometimes even the connection in case of certain errors (Bogdan Padalko)
    * Fix #81: Add optional arguments parameter to bind()/unbind() (Michael Squires)
    * Fix #82: additional getters (getChannel(), getConnection()) (Bogdan Padalko)
    * Fix #92: fix various memory leaks in the AMQPConnection class (Lars Strojny)
    * Using amqp_error_string2() instead of deprecated amqp_error_string() (Lars Strojny)
    * Fix memory leaks in setHost, setLogin, setPassword, setVhost (Lars Strojny, Bogdan Padalko)
    * Fixed a memleak in php_amqp_connect (Julien Pauli)
    * Use rabbitmq-c defaults for max channels and default frame size (Bogdan Padalko)
    * Fix socket timeout error when connecting over high-latency network (Bogdan Padalko)

    For a complete list of changes see:

    1.3.0 Release:
    * Allow retrieving auto-delete exchanges (Guilherme Blanco)
    * Add connection timeout support. This requires bumping the version requirement for librabbitmq to >= 0.4.1 (Bogdan Padalko)

    For a complete list of changes see:

    1.2.0 Release:
    * New methods AMQPChannel::getPrefetchCount() and AMQPChannel::getPrefetchSize()
    * Deprecate AMQPQueue::declare() in favor of AMQPQueue::declareQueue()
    * Deprecate AMQPExchange::declare() in favor of AMQPExchange::declareExchange()
    * Smaller fixes to our stubs

    For a complete list of changes see:

    1.0.10 Release:
    * report correct version in module info (Lars Strojny)
    * fix class interface definitions (Vladimir Kartaviy)
    * add ability to bind a queue with an empty routing key (Vladimir Kartaviy)
    * fix constant AMQP_IFUNUSED (Florin Patan, Bernhard Weisshuhn)
    * added stubs for ide use (Vladimir Kartaviy, Bernhard Weisshuhn)
    * Fixed memory leak in queue->declareQueue (Ilya a.k.a. coodix)
    * support for php 5.5 (Lars Strojny)
    * add support for read and write timeouts (Bogdan Padalko)
    * fix memory leak in queue->consume (Dmitry Vinogradov)
    * add support for custom exchange types (empi89)
    * support for nested custom headers (Bernhard Weisshuhn)
    * fix memory (Bernhard Weisshuhn)

    For a complete list of changes see:

    1.0.9 Release:
    * Fix pecl relase

    1.0.8 Release:
    * Skip var_dump test on PHP 5.2
    * Initialize consumer tag string length to zero
    * Support connection time outs
    * Adding consumer_tag parameter to AMQPQueue::cancel
    * Clean up error code handling

    1.0.6 Release:
    * 62354: Segmentation fault when printing or dumping an object that contains an AMQP object
    * Adding in missing tests
    * Fixing release number in PHP information
    * Adding .gitignore info for Git users
    * Cleaning up debug handling

    1.0.5 Release:
    * 62696: Incorrect exchange type
    * Handles server connections being closed during consume and publish correctly
    * 62628: Exception thrown in consume will lock PHP
    * 61533: Segmentation fault when instantiating channel, queue or exchange with wrong object, then using it

    1.0.4 Release:
    * 62549: Fixing broken persistent connection
    * 62412: Fixing segfault due to destruction order
    * 62411: Fixing declaration overload bug
    * 62410: Fixing declaration overload for 5.4
    * 61337: Adding License file
    * 61749: Fixing handling for binary content in envelope
    * 62087: Adding appropriate version information
    * 62354: Enabling debugging dumping of objects
    * 61351: Updating min PHP version requirements to 5.2.0

    1.0.3 Release:
    * Fixing compilation issue with PHP 5.4

    1.0.2 Release:
    Fixed bug:
    * Memory leak when using AMQPQueue::get from a queue with no messages

    1.0.1 Release:
    Fixed bug:
    * 61247: Allow queue creation with empty queue name, and return auto generated name
    * 61127: Segmentation fault when cleaning up an AMQPChannel without calling AMQPConnection::connect first

    1.0.0 Release:
    Changed/finalized API signature:
    * Exposing AMQPChannel
    * Exposing AMQPEnvelope
    * Exposing more queue and exchange arguments and flags
    * Exposing basic.qos
    Added persistent connections
    Cleaned up codebase
    Fixed memory leaks and segmentation faults

    0.3.1 Release:
    Fixed bug:
    * 24323: Cannot get the name for auto-named reply-to queues

    0.3.0 Release:
    Fixed memory leaks in many functions (courtesy Jonathan Tansavatdi and Andy Wick)
    Fixed consume method to return proper values
    Cleaned up variable usage
    Fixed bugs:
    * 22638: Unexpected exit code 1 with AMQPQueue::consume()
    * 22698: AMQPQueue::consume

    0.2.2 Release:
    Made extension compatible with PHP lt 5.3 (courtesy John Skopis)
    Fixed wrong typing of message properties (courtesy John Skopis)

    0.2.1 Release:
    Fixed refcount decrementing bug causing segfaults.

    0.2.0 Release:
    Works with AMQP 0-8 and 0-9-1 (used by RabbitMQ 2.*)
    Modified AMQPConnection object:
    * Requires call to 'connect' method to connect (no longer connects on instantiation)
    * Added support for disconnect and reconnect
    * Added helper setters for port, host, vhost, login and password
    Improved consume method to block for MIN messages, and try to get MAX messages if available
    Fixed zval descoping bugs
    Fixed bugs:
    * 17809: Couldn't compile pecl extension under PHP 5.3
    * 17831: Segmentation fault when the exchange doesn't exists
    * 19707: AMQPQueue::get() doesn't return the message
    * 19840: Connection Exception

