
NetTuts.com: Programming With Yii2: Integrating User Registration

NetTuts.com has posted the next part in their "Programming with Yii2" series today with this tutorial showing you how to integrate user registration into your sample application.

This is part four of a series on Yii2. In Programming With Yii2: Getting Started, we set up Yii2 locally, built a Hello World application, set up a remote server, and used Github to deploy our code. In part two, we learned about Yii's implementation of its Model View Controller architecture and how to build web pages and forms that collect and validate data. In part three, we learned about working with databases and ActiveRecord. In this tutorial, we'll walk you through integrating a popular user registration plugin.

They walk you through the use of the Yii2-User extension to provide the user handling functionality. The tutorial shows you how to get it installed (via Composer), run its database migrations to create the needed tables and where to update the configuration files to pull the plugin into the execution. They also help you set up SwiftMailer (what it uses to send its emails) and then gets into the integration of the registration with the application with a signup page.

Link: http://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/programming-with-yii2-integrating-user-registration--cms-22974

