Phil Sturgeon has a new post to his site looking at the PHP7 feature freeze for this upcoming major PHP release (implemented as of yesterday, the 15th). In it he provides a list of features, their related RFCs and how likely they are to make it into PHP7.
Today was the feature freeze for PHP 7. That means no new votes can be started for a feature that is aimed at PHP 7.0, and would instead have to go into PHP 7.1. Instead of heading out to St Patric's Day with a bunch of New Yorkers making dubious claims about their tenuous connection to Irish ancestry as an excuse to drink, I thought it would be a good time to review some of the more recent RFCs that made it in, and those that didn't.
His list includes:
- Remove PHP 4 Constructors
- Spaceship Operator
- Replacing current json extension with jsond
- Skipping Optional Parameters for Functions
- Constructor behaviour of internal classes
- Reclassify E_STRICT notices
Each one has a link to the current version of the RFC, the current status and Phil's own opinion of the feature (usually just one word).