
Using Aura.Html with LeaguePlates

Paul Jones has a new post to his site showing how to merge one of the components of the Aura framework with the templating library Plates, a part of the The League of Extraordinary PHP Packages. In this post he shows how to integrate the Plates rendering engine into the Aura.Html component for use as a view layer.

Aura has its own native PHP template package, Aura.View, a direct descendant of Savant and Solar_View, as well as a cousin to Zend_View. The v1 Aura.View package used to include a helper system. Once we realized that there was no reason to tie the helper system directly to the view system, we released the helpers as a standalone Aura.Html package. This means the helpers can be used in any PHP presentation code, framework-based or otherwise.

Plates lets you register functions against its own internal handling, referencing the different elements to be rendered. He includes a code example showing this integration and how they look used in a Plates template.

Link: http://paul-m-jones.com/archives/6111

