
Gonzalo Ayuso's Blog: Performance analysis of Stored Procedures with PDO and PHP

Gonzalo Ayuso has posted the results of some testing he's done in using stored procedures in a PHP application. He compares the run time of two different scripts, one using prepared statements and one without, to see which would perform better in the long run.

Last week I had an interesting conversation on twitter about the usage of stored procedures in databases. Someone told stored procedure are evil. I'm not agree with that. Stored procedures are a great place to store business logic. In this post I'm going to test the performance of a small piece of code using stored procedures and using only PHP code.

In the end, the results showed that the stored procedures method was actually faster and used a bit less memory than the normal "plain PHP" method. It can be a bit more difficult to use than just a SQL statement in a string (properly escaped, of course) but can be worth the extra hassle when you need that performance boost.

