In a new post Matthew Weier O'Phinney talks about autoloaders in the Zend Framework and the changes they've made from ZF1 to ZF2. He also includes a link to a package you can try out if you'd like to backport the ZF2 autoloaders to your ZF1 application.
Interestingly, I've had quite some number of folks ask if they can use the new autoloaders in their Zend Framework 1 development. The short answer is "yes," assuming you're running PHP 5.3 already. If not, however, until today, the answer has been "no."
I've recently backported the ZF2 autoloaders to PHP 5.2, and posted them on GitHub [tarball here].
His autoloader backport scripts include a class map generation tool, a PSR-0 compliant autoloader, a class map autoloader and an autoloader factory for loading multple strategies at once. He also includes a sample of how to use it with a bit of the output it might give you for your project.