On the Zend Developer Zone today there's a new post from Keith Casey about some of the design patterns he hates - ones that are misused too often and have become more of a "worst practice" at times than others.
To be clear, I think Design Patterns have their place. When used properly, they can make our lives easier and our code better. When they're misused - "If the only tool you have is a hammer.." - then they can become the bane of our existence. Unfortunately, some Design Patterns seem more susceptible to this than others. So maybe this is less "design patterns I hate" and more of "design patterns that have been abused beyond all sense of reason"... I'll let you decide.
He has three of the most commonly misused design patterns in his list. Anyone who has looked into using patterns in their applications will recognize them:
- Active Record
- Factory
- Singleton
For each, he describes some of the bad implementations he's seen and notes that, while these are commonly abused, they can still be redeemed by being used appropriately.