Michelangelo van Dam has posted a book review of one of the latest offerings from the php|architect presses, Ivo Jansch and Vito Chin's "PHP Development in the Cloud".
A couple of weeks ago, my dear friend Cal Evans asked me to review the book "PHP Development in the Cloud" written by "Ivo Jansch" and "Vito Chin". I accepted as I was very interesting in exploring more of the cloudy world I just found myself in the middle of. Another reason was that both authors were fellow co-workers at Ibuildings back in the day. I promised this would be an objective review seen through the eyes of a developer just started exploring the mystifying world of cloud solutions.
He briefly covers the focus of the book and how it makes the distinctions between platform types (PaaS, Sass, etc) to help clear a few things up. He liked that the book was written and organized well, but noted that some of the examples provided were hard to get working on the different platforms. He wished there was some sort of disclaimer that came with it that there'd be a learning curve on the examples that might require some additional work outside of the example to get started.