
Fabien Potencier's Blog: Create your own framework... on top of the Symfony2 Components (part 9)

Fabien Potencier has posted the ninth part of his "build a framework on Symfony2 components series. In this latest tutorial he takes the simple framework he's already created (complete with some unit tests) and makes it easier to extend.

Our framework is still missing a major characteristic of any good framework: extensibility. Being extensible means that the developer should be able to easily hook into the framework life cycle to modify the way the request is handled.

He chooses the Observer design pattern as a basis for his example, allowing any kind of behavior/actions to be added to the framework's execution. He includes the Symfony2 dispatcher to make this work and includes the code for a "handle" method to fire off events. It executes a "ResponseEvent" every time the framework is executed. An "addListener" method provides the hook to apply a callback to an event - in his case an anonymous function (or closure).

