Jason Grimes has posted a new tutorial to his blog about integrating Zend Framework 2 with Doctrine, the powerful (and popular) ORM tool for PHP. In his example, he shows how to use them to store the album information from Rob's tutorial.
Zend Framework 2 is getting close to release, and among the changes are new ways to handle dependency injection, and new ways to work with third-party code as modules. Rob "Akrabat" Allen has updated his iconic Getting Started with Zend Framework tutorial for ZF2, and it's a great place to start. After working through that tutorial, the next thing I wanted to do was figure out how to get the Doctrine 2 ORM up and running. This article shows how to set up and use Doctrine 2 in Zend Framework 2, by extending Rob's Getting Started tutorial to use Doctrine instead of Zend_Db.
Using Rob's example as a starting point, he shows how to install the Doctrine modules, update the "Album" model and controller to use Doctrine instead of Zend_Db and create the entity for the Albums.