- IBM developerWorks: Understanding the Zend Framework, Part 1: The basics
- Gonzalo Ayuso's Blog: PHP Template Engine Comparison. Part 2 (vs Plain PHP)
- 9Lessons: Facebook Graph API Connect with PHP and Jquery
- 9Lessons: User Signup using Facebook Data
- Brian Swan's Blog: Paging Data with the SQL Server Drivers for PHP: Simplified
- QaFoo.com Blog: Struct classes in PHP
- NetTuts.com: How to Send Text Messages with PHP
- Timothy Boronczyk's Blog: Geolocation Search
- ZendCasts.com: Setting up Zend_HTTP_UserAgent
- PHPBuilder.com: Taking Advantage of Simple Cloud with the Zend Cloud Component
- Rob Allen's Blog: Translations of my Zend Framework Tutorial for ZF 1.10 & 1.11
- Cal Evans' Blog: Accessing Twitter via Zend_Service_Twitter
- Shameer Chamal's Blog: Why Kohana is an awesome framework
- Community News: Ian Barber's Slides from ThinkVitamin "Deployment Tactics" Posted
- Community News: php|architect Tek11 Webcast Series
Site News: Blast from the Past - One Year Ago in PHP
Here's what was popular in the PHP community one year ago today:
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