- Smashing Magazine: Keeping Web Users Safe By Sanitizing Input Data
- CodeFury.net: CodeIgniter/PHP + IIS + MySQL + MSSQL: It Works!
- Enrise.com: Using MemcacheQ as Message Queue
- Developer.com: 9 More Crazy, Experimental PHP Development Projects
- Christopher Bledsoe's Blog: PHP Dependency Injection (Inversion of Control)
- Test.ical.ly Blog: PHP 5.3 and the Symfony2 UniversalClassLoader - Where to load?
- Working Software Blog: Parsing the output of PHPs print_r function
- BinarySludge.com: Redundant and Fault Tolerant PHP Session Storage
- Label Media Blog: Installing Sphinx and PECL/Sphinx on Mac OS X
- Enrise.com: REST Style Context Switching - Part 2
- Lorna Mitchell's Blog: Gthub API: Issues List
- Rafael Dohms' Blog: Using theFacebook PHP-SDK to run FQL
- Nay Pryce's Blog: "Dependency Injection" Considered Harmful
- Community News: The PHP Community Confernece (Nashville, TN)
- NetTuts.com: Learn to Create Interactive Drill-Down Dashboards with PHP and FusionCharts
Site News: Blast from the Past - One Year Ago in PHP
Here's what was popular in the PHP community one year ago today:
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