
Adam Culp: PHPUnit, Composer, PHPStorm, Oh my!

In working with the OpenCFP project for the Call for Papers for the Sunshine PHP conference, Adam Culp wanted to integrate it all with his IDE of choice, PHPStorm. He wanted to be able to run the tests from within the IDE and includes the steps of how he did it.

For my CFP I wanted a few more fields of information than the "out of the box" setup, so I quickly added them to the app. However, doing this meant the included unit tests would fail. But wait, I hadn't run the unit tests yet! I realized immediately how spoiled I had become with today's modern frameworks with a testing method built in. This little project did not have that luxury, so I would need to run the tests the old fashioned way, or let an IDE do it for me.

He opted for the latest PHPUnit that the OpenCFP project required (and was installed via Composer) and put the executable path into his project's settings. Then all he needed to do was add a run configuration for the PHPUnit runner and telling it where the actual tests lived.

Link: http://www.geekyboy.com/archives/753

