Gonzalo Ayuso has posted a tutorial showing you how to use Silex and the endroid/qrcode library to make a simple QR code generation site.
Today we're going to play with QR codes and how to use them within a Silex application using one Service Provider. First we need a QR code generator. If we find in Packagist we can see various libraries. We are going to use the library: endroid/qrcode. We are not going to modify endroid/qrcode, because of that we will create a wrapper. This wrapper will receive in the constructor one instance of endroid/qrcode.
His example includes both the code for the endpoint and a unit test for the "QrWrapper" class. The Silex structure has two endpoints - register
Link: http://gonzalo123.com/2013/09/02/creating-qr-codes-with-php-and-silex