
Reddit.com: What single feature do you want to see added to PHP?

On Reddit.com today chadicus has asked the question that seems to make the rounds every so often in the community - what feature would you like added to the PHP language itself (not a class or a library). There's a wide range of responses (including his own for extension classes) like:

  • Native internationalization (I18N) support.
  • Function overloading
  • Native JSON construction/manipulation
  • Consistent naming of the built-in functions (i.e., strpos(), str_rot13()).
  • Variadic function definitions
  • Property Get/Set syntax

Have a feature you'd like to see? Share it!

Link: http://www.reddit.com/r/PHP/comments/1ltulg/what_single_feature_do_you_want_to_see_added_to/

