- Evan Coury: Why Zend Framework
- Fabien Potencier: Why Symfony?
- Reddit.com: What do you guys think of Laravel Framework?
- PHPBuilder.com: Handling Hierarchical Data in MySQL and PHP
- Community News: Zend Framework 2.0.0 STABLE Released!
- Pádraic Brady: PHP Security, Authorative Knowledge and Combining Forces
- Fortrabbit.com: Handle your dependencies with PHP composer
- PHPClasses.org: Lately in PHP, Episode 27 - Running PHP code with JavaScript and Python VM
- Gonzalo Ayuso: Dependency Injection Containers with PHP. When Pimple is not enough.
- Web & PHP Magazine: Issue #6 Published - "Breaking New Ground"
- PHPMaster.com: Patterns for Flexible View Handling, Part 2 - Using Decorators
- Programmers Community Blog: 20 controversial programming opinions
- Lorna Mitchell: Do Open Source with Git and Github
- PHPMaster.com: The Need for Speed: Profiling with XHProf and XHGui
- NetTuts.com: Dependency Injection: Huh?
Site News: Blast from the Past - One Year Ago in PHP
Here's what was popular in the PHP community one year ago today:
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