Hasin Hayder has posted a guide to getting a Symfony2 application up and running in an OpenShift instance. OpenShift is a cloud hosting service that makes deploying and scaling applications simpler.
Openshift is a fantastic Polyglot PaaS from Redhat, and you can do a lot of things with these containers. The good news is that with free accounts, OpenShift gives three gears for free, forever. Today, in this article I will show you how to install and run your Symfony applications in OpenShift.
He shows you how to set up a Zend Server (5.6) instance and grab the repository through a git checkout. The commands to create a new Symfony2 application (via Composer) are also included. With a small change to the .gitignore, the needed configuration files and directories will no longer be ignored and will be pushed. There's also a bit of information about setting up and using the provided database instance.
Link: http://hasin.me/2013/10/25/running-symfony-2-applications-in-openshift/