Justin Carmony has a new post today with some reasons you should attend tech conferences including both the social and technical aspects.
Ever since 2006 I had always wanted to go to a technology conference. I'd see titles of talks for ZendCon and think "Wow, that would be cool to learn about!" In 2009, I finally went to the Utah Open Source Conference (now called OpenWest), and I was blown away with all the stuff to learn. Then, in 2011, I shelled out my own money and flew to Chicago for PHP Tek, and it cost me around $3,000 after conference ticket, flights, hotel, & other expenses while at Chicago. It was absolutely awesome, and I walked away extremely grateful that I went.
He gives four main reasons to attend:
- Learning From the Talks
- Discovery of New Technologies
- Rubbing Shoulders with Giants
- Making Connections with Others
He points out that, with so many more regional conferences popping up, attending these events is even more accessible.
Link: http://www.justincarmony.com/blog/2013/10/15/why-you-should-attend-a-tech-conference/