
Konrad Podgórski: Step by Step Guide How to Configure Server for PHP / Symfony Project

If you're looking into using Symfony2 for your application and want to be sure your environment is set up correctly, you should definitely check out this new post from Konrad Podgórski. It's a very detailed guide to getting the full environment set up, also including setup of NodeJS and Capifony for deployment.

I decided to publish notes that I have been gathering lately about configuring servers. This is a complete guide how to configure server for production usage with Symfony or any PHP project. Instruction might seem to you very long and I totally agree with you. It took me few months to finish.

His installation includes the full commands and configuration for setting up:

  • Nginx
  • PHP (5.4)
  • MySQL
  • NodeJS
  • Twig
  • Git

He also includes the optional instructions to add in an opcode cache like APC or the Zend OPCache.

Link: http://konradpodgorski.com/blog/2013/10/23/guide-how-to-configure-server-for-symfony/

