On VilkomenJuist.nl there's a recent post showing you how to create a real-time notification system with PHP using Laravel, NodeJs and Redis.
Currently I am building an application where we can fill in live scores and I needed something to update all my visitors whenever a score has been updated by one of the admins. Whenever an admin updates the score via the Laravel 4 backend I fire an event and publish it to Redis. I've setup a simple NodeJS server which listens to Redis for incoming changes. NodeJS will redirect the message to all Socket.IO clients.
The post has all of the code and configuration you'll need to reproduce the setup. This includes the Laravel Redis config, code for the event handler and the Node server listening for the socket connection.
Link: http://www.volkomenjuist.nl/blog/2013/10/20/laravel-4-and-nodejsredis-pubsub-realtime-notifications/