
Phil Sturgeon: The Tribal Framework Mindset

Phil Sturgeon has an interesting post (with plenty of comments following it) about what he calls the "tribal framework mindset" - basically that certain technologies can provide a siloing effect on developers rather than engaging them as a part of the PHP community as a whole. One community centered around the Laravel framework sparked the post.

As much as I understand pushing the "Laravel Community", content, blogs, etc, can we stop this soloing of efforts and be a PHP community? [...] It should still have made sense. [...] Well, I thought so at least until I had a myriad of bizarre responses from people (mostly the well-known Laravel names) defending and picking issue with things I said, assuming instead of saying something logical I must have meant something moronic. That is rather offensive to me, so let's explain it for them.

He goes on to break it down into four different topics and summarizes how the "framework versus general PHP" point fits in - packages and functionality, developers and how they label themselves and books/other resources. He finishes off the post with a look at the "morals" behind it all and how, due to some of the "tribal bullshit" he's seen (even in his own CodeIgniter experience), developers are siloing into groups when really they should be a part of the community as a whole.

Link: http://philsturgeon.co.uk/blog/2014/01/the-tribal-framework-mindset

