- PHPMaster.com: Creating a PHP OAuth Server
- NetTuts.com: Building Ribbit in PHP
- Paul Jones: Symfony Components: Sometimes Decoupled, Sometimes Not
- Reddit.com: Your predictions for PHP in 2013?
- James Fuller: 2013 Programming Podcasts for the New Year
- MaltBlue.com: Zend Framework 2 Modules - The Application's Heart
- Smashing Magazine: Starting An Open-Source Project
- Rob Allen: Thoughts on module directory structure
- Lorna Mitchell: Become a ZCE in 2013
- php|architect: December 2012 Issue Released
- Stuart Herbert: Personal Thoughts On The PSR-3 Log Proposal
- Andrew Podner: Why Lithium is Worth a Look
- Freek Lijten: SOLID - The D is for Dependency Inversion Principle
- PHPMaster.com: Adding Text Watermarks with Imagick
- Maarten Balliauw: Working with Windows Azure from within PhpStorm
Site News: Blast from the Past - One Year Ago in PHP
Here's what was popular in the PHP community one year ago today:
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