
7PHP.com: Lone Star PHP 2014 Review 01 :: Spotlight On Chris Tankersley's Stay

On 7PHP.com there's a new post in their community interview series, this time with Chris Tankersley and some of his experiences at the Lone Star PHP Conference last month.

Welcome to the 7PHP PHP-eatre (theatre) where the screens never tires of diffusing everything that has PHP deep down inside the DNA. Tonight, we'll watch the "after-the-show" of a yummy PHP Conference, named as the Lone Star PHP which took place last week. The screen tonight, features our PHP Rockstar, the Only-and-Only Chris Tankersley.

In the interview Chris answers questions about:

  • His background in PHP and the community
  • What he enjoyed about the conference
  • Some of his favorite sessions
  • The presentation he gave (and how he felt it went)
  • How the conference was different than others he's attended

Check out the full interview with all of Chris' answers too.

Link: http://7php.com/lonestarphp2014-review01/

