Stephan Hochdörfer has a new post with a handy tip on speeding up the indexing Satis does on your local repositories to generate its information. His tip involves being more selective in the rebuild process, only indexing the projects that might need it.
In the last couple of months this [indexing] process takes quite a while because Satis rebuilds the index for every repo it knows about. Since we deal with quite a few repos containing a large amount of versions it slowed down the "build time". Obviously it does not make any sense to run Satis on a repo that has not changed. Since Satis was lacking this feature I started hacking on it and I am happy that the feature got merged into master this morning.
With his patch, you can specify only the repository you want reindexed via the "build" command. You can even specify multiple repositories to rebuild, allowing for a bit more automation around the process.