
Anthony Ferrara: PHP Install Statistics

Anthony Ferrara has a new post to his site sharing the results of some PHP version statistics he's gathered and how it relates back to the security of applications.

After yesterday's post, I decided to do some math to see how many PHP installs had at least 1 known security vulnerability. So I went to grab statistics from W3Techs, and correlated that with known Linux Distribution supported numbers. I then whipped up a spreadsheet and got some interesting numbers out of it. So interesting, that I need to share...

He starts with the versions that currently have no known security issues and matches those up with the linux releases that currently include them. He then looks at the adoption rates for more recent versions and maps those against the security status as well...with some "grim results". He summarizes the totals of all of the version results and comes up with an interesting statistic: over 78 percent of PHP installations (and thus applications) are vulnerable to some kind of security vulnerabilities just because of what they're hosted on.

Link: http://blog.ircmaxell.com/2014/12/php-install-statistics.html

