
Sameer Borate: Integrating Googles new reCAPTCHA in PHP

Recently Google announced their reCAPTCHA without a CAPTCHA technology to help make preventing automated systems (usually spammers) from causing issues in your applications. In this new post from Sameer Borate, he shows you how to implement this new kind of CAPTCHA in your PHP-based application.

For the past several years Google's reCAPTCHA has helped verify that a user is not a bot by forcing you to decipher warped text. reCAPTCHA's method of protecting websites from spam has always been a kind of burden on the end user who has to solve the captcha to prove that he is human and not a bot. [...] Google recently released a new captcha API called "No CAPTCHA" reCAPTCHA, which utilizes an Advanced Risk Analysis engine that is capable of discerning between users and bots. So instead of solving a jumbled box of text all a user has to do is check a box.

He walks you through the full process of the integration:

  • Signing up for an account/API keys
  • Rendering the HTML for the actual widget (using Google Javascript)
  • Validating the user's response via an API call
  • The PHP you'll need to perform the validation

He also briefly mentions some of the customization available and provides the code as a download so you can see it all working together.

Link: http://www.codediesel.com/security/integrating-googles-new-nocaptcha-recaptcha-in-php/

