
TheoDo.fr: Clean Architecture

In an article on Thedo.fr Tristan Roussel introduces you to some of the concepts behind Clean Architecture based on a talk he recently attended at a local Symfony user group.

One particular talk retained my attention and I want to tell you about it. Let me warn you first, this is just an introduction, and I'm not going into much detail, don't hesitate to post comments if you feel something is not clear, or deserves a better exposure! [...] So. What is Clean Architecture? It's so fresh that it doesn't even have a Wikipedia article.

He starts off with what the idea of Clean Architecture is trying to accomplish and where some of the ideas have evolved from. He includes some of the objectives and guiding principles as well as a diagram of how this architecture might be laid out. He gets into an actual use case for this type of structure and where abstract entities, controllers and presenters fit into the picture. He links to some of the code as provided as part of the presentation and some of the things to consider when trying it out for your application.

Link: http://www.theodo.fr/blog/2014/12/sfpot-paris-2014-12-12-pepiniere-27/

