
Remi Collet: PHP-FPM in Docker

Remi Collet has a new post today showing you how to get PHP-FPM up and running with Docker using a few simple lines in the Dockerfile. Docker is a toolset that lets you easily create and provision containers with scripted configurations (and link them together).

[The] use case [for this is] running php 5.3.3 on a Fedora 20 / 21 development workstation, for production deployment on RHEL-6 (as no php 5.3 SCL exists). This example can be easily adapted for all available PHP versions available as RPM (5.3.3 in RHEL-6, 5.4.16 in RHEL-7, 5.4.16 and 5.5.6 in RHSCL 1.2 or using a third party repository).

The contents of the Dockerfile are included, making a call to yum to install all the needed packages, make a few replacements in the www.conf configuration file and create the default "www" directory. Finally, it fires up the PHP-FPM server with the IP given in the startup. The commands to create the container and launch it are also included in the post.

Link: http://blog.famillecollet.com/post/2014/12/11/PHP-FPM-in-Docker

