
Reddit.com: Composer files being indexed by Google

In an interesting thread on the /r/php subreddit on Reddit.com, a user noticed that Google is indexing Composer files that are in the document root of PHP applications. These files, like "composer.json" and "composer.lock" can provide detailed information about which packages and libraries are in use in the application (information disclosure).

The problem is that these files are placed in the web root of the application and not in a folder one level up, a recommended practice. The post links to a Google search that shows an example of current sites with the issue.

Another comment in the same post also reminds users not to have things like their ".git" files in the document root either as they can provide valuable information to would be attackers about your application's code. Things can be done to prevent direct access to these files in the web server configuration but it's far better to restructure the application to have them in a parent directory of the actual web root.

Link: http://www.reddit.com/r/PHP/comments/2ourf7/composer_files_being_indexed_by_google/

