
Reddit.com: Composer still susceptible to remote code execution via MITM

In this recent post to Reddit.com, a point is brought up about the popular PHP package manager, Composer about it being susceptible to a common attack called the "Man in the Middle". This issue on the project's Github repository talks more about it:

Composer runs code from HTTP sources without validating the source of the download or the code downloaded. As such, trivial man-in-the-middle attacks through any number of vectors (dns, networking, local server exploit, etc) will result in execution of code of an attackers choosing at the userlevel of the user running composer. (Typically a developer account)

Replace getcomposer.org for a given network perspective by replacing it with a malicious http instance (eg by changing the DNS locally, at the lan, at an isp or hosting provider dns resolver, or globally or equally easily by replacing a route to the legitimate server (eg arpspoof)) . The http server instance is configured to serve a malicious /composer.phar and a /version url that produces random data. When users run self-update, the malicious code will be downloaded and run as the user that is executing the self-update command.

As of yet some patches and ideas have been proposed to correct this issue, but it hasn't been resolved and is currently listed as a "blocker" on the project. One suggestion, signing packages, seems to be the front-runner in the current discussion, something that package managers for other languages have already implemented (like npm for Node.js and pip for Python).

Link: http://www.reddit.com/r/PHP/comments/1nkmw8/composer_still_susceptible_to_remote_code/

