
Reddit.com: Attempting to understand Namespacing, and its benefits

If you're relatively new to PHP, you may have read about something called "namespacing" but not fully understood it or the benefits it provides. Over on Reddit, there's a recent discussion where the poster asks about just that:

As I understand it, Namespacing provides a lot of useful context for developers, as well as making the autoloading of classes much easier (though I've never personally tried this). I can also see it being used in a large enough application where it might help keep things in scope, but this seems like a bit of a stretch to me. Apart from that, I'm not too clear on what namespacing actually does.

The comments to the thread including things like links to other resources and other suggestions like:

  • tools to try out
  • places to start using it in your own code
  • the difference between underscores and real namespacing
  • how they help avoid conflicts in naming and functionality

Link: http://www.reddit.com/r/PHP/comments/1u1ztr/attempting_to_understand_namespacing_and_its

