
SitePoint PHP Blog: Nginx, PHP5.5 and Phalcon on OpenShift

On the SitePoint PHP blog today Bruno Skvorc goes through the full installation process around getting Nginx and Phalcon up and running on an OpenShift instance.

In this tutorial, adapted from the step by step trial and error procedure of duythien, and with his full blessing, we'll cover the installation procedure of Phaclon on yet another environment: OpenShift. The procedure is bloody - OpenShift does not make it easy for us to deploy custom environments - but the rewards are well worth it.

As he mentioned, it's not the easiest process, but he's laid it all out there to help make it simple for you. He's broken it up into a number of different steps:

  • Setting up your OpenShift account (using the free tier)
  • Creating and cloning an application
  • Cloning a helper repo with a ".openshift" file included
  • Grabbing the latest Phalcon and making the config file to set it up correctly
  • Configuring Nginx

Link: http://www.sitepoint.com/nginx-php5-5-phalcon-openshift

