
Mike Bronner: How To Install PHPCI in Homestead

Mike Bronner has a new post on Medium.com about installing PHPCI on a Laravel Homestead instance and have it able to execute your builds.

PHPCI is a nifty little swiss-army-knife for your development toolbox. [...] It will monitor your source repositories for changes, and trigger a new build when it sees activity. Then it will let you know if anything went wrong or can be improved. This comes in handy to improve your code quality and minimize errors and issues down the road. In the following section we'll go through the process of installing PHPCI in Homestead.

He goes through the full process of getting the necessary software installed and all of the commands you'll need to:

  • Adding the PHPCI database
  • Clone the PHPCI code
  • Configure the PHPCI install
  • Set up the cron to run automatic builds
  • Configure MySQL
  • Set up the Homestead instance for the new PHPCI site

Check out the full post for more details.

Link: https://medium.com/@genealabs/how-to-install-phpci-in-homestead-5ee0b022e8be

