Josh Lockart, the lead developer and creator of the Slim framework, has responded to some questions and comments around the recently released Laravel microframework Lumen and how it relates to Slim and its own goals.
Lumen happened. It's a shiny new micro-framework from Taylor Otwell, and it joins the Laravel family today. It looks to be a pretty nice framework, and it shares many of the same features and goals as Slim 3.0. I'm sure this raises a few question about Slim's future roadmap. [...] Is there overlap between Slim and Lumen? Of course. They both have similar goals and solve similar problems. There are also differences.
He talks about some of the current work being done on version 3.0 of Slim, the PSR-7 support it offers and some of the differences between Slim and Lumen. He points out two main ones: that Slim has fewer dependencies and that it is a supporter of the PSR-7 HTTP interoperability standard. Josh talks about why you might choose Lumen over Slim and that, in the end, he welcomes alternative microframeworks and challenges the Slim community to help consistently improve Slim and its place in the community.