With all the talk about PHP7 and the features that are coming with it, it's easy to get lost in the mound of information. Thankfully, the SitePoint PHP blog is here to help. They've posted a roundup of several PHP7-related resources you can use to sort things out (or start learning about) what's to come.
PHP 7 is well on its way. RFCs are being implemented and polished, projects are being tested, libraries upgraded. Extensions are being modified, and the word is spreading. All that remains is getting the shared hosts on the upgrade bandwagon - the arguably most difficult part of improving the global state of PHP. In this article, we'll take a look at some of the most important PHP 7 related resources and tips you should go through in preparation for the new version.
Mentions in their list include both tutorials and tools including the PHP7 Vagrant box provided by Rasmus Lerdorf and the Go PHP7 Extensions effort to update extensions to be PHP7 ready. Following this there's serveral links to other important reading about what to expect and results of testing done with this upcoming version.
Link: http://www.sitepoint.com/php7-resource-recap/